Student Solution


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1 University

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1 Subject

Week 2 Lab submission

Week 2 Lab submission

Q Carbohydrates and Physical Activity Scenario/Summary The Week 2 Lab will challenge you, as it has to do with sweeteners and obesity. Current research has shown that there may be a relationship between the consumption of sweeteners and the rise in obesity, so this will be an opportunity to examine the facts and develop an opinion. Please select one of the following sweeteners. Sugar (sucrose) Fructose High fructose corn syrup Stevia Equal Splenda Ace K Another one that you can find on your own Deliverables Answer the following questions about the sweetener that you have selected. Your paper should be approximately two pages long, double-spaced, with proper citations and a References section at the end. Select a sweetener. Explore the history of the sweetener (when it was developed, its composition). Discuss safety and the sweetener that you have selected. Examine the relationship between the sweetener that you have selected and obesity. Please submit a Word document attachment to the Week 2 Lab Submission page.

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Sweetener: Sugar (sucrose) Introduction: I have selected the sweetener Sugar which is commonly known as Table sugar or sucrose. It is mostly used as the sweetening agent in most of the foods; it is water soluble carbohydrate, an organic compound. This is also known as monosaccharide which consists of glucose, fructose and galactose. The sugar provides energy and useful for our central nervous system, brain and blood stream. History of sugar: